The artistic practice of Henrik Olesen (1967, Esbjerg, Denmark) explores, with a conceptually rigorous approach, the structures of power relations and systems of knowledge, revealing some of their inherent logic, those which contribute to social and political regularisation. Olesen employs cheap, everyday materials to make collages, posters, texts, sculptures, installations, and architectural interventions which critically examine contemporary culture and socially disseminated normalizations, thereby questioning quotidian conventions in family structures, the construction of identities and their historiography, the media, legal discourses, art history, and other sources.   

Authors: Lars Bang Larsenm Dodie Bellamy, Helena Hatay, Paul B. Preciado 

Title: Henrik Olesen

Publisher: Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

Year: 2019

Language: English

Specifications: softcover, 224 pages, 220 x 270 mm